Total Alignment Blog

7 Behaviors That Create A Great Corporate Culture

Promoting a successful and innovative cultural environment often requires changes in current behaviors and attitudes. These seven behaviors, when adopted, will promote a sustainable and positive environment that is guaranteed to attract and keep top people. Continue reading “7 Behaviors That Create A Great Corporate Culture”

Abandon Performance Appraisals and Build Something New – Here’s How!

Classic performance review has been around since the mid 1900s. With the limitations that it has – its amazing that it has lasted this long!  According to a recent article in Forbes magazine [March 31, 2015], only 55 percent of employees feel as though performance management appraisals are effective. Earlier articles published in talent management and human resources literature identify 50 problems with Performance Appraisals. A Forbes magazine article in 2012 referred to Performance Appraisal in a strong language as the “a workplace evil that must be destroyed like a blood sucking vampire.” Continue reading “Abandon Performance Appraisals and Build Something New – Here’s How!”

6 Corporate Values You Should Be Focusing On

As a leader, you want your corporation to move in a certain direction. To do this you may need to change behaviors, and behaviors start with values. Here we’ll discuss 6 key values that your corporation should be focusing on now. Continue reading “6 Corporate Values You Should Be Focusing On”

9 Steps to Great Leadership

You’ve probably seen the discussion in the literature on whether leaders are made or born. Much time has been spent on this question. To me, the exact answer to this question doesn’t really matter. What is more important is to figure out how leaders can become great leaders. Here are 9 steps we have found in our consulting practice to greatly improve your leadership effectiveness. Continue reading “9 Steps to Great Leadership”