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Is Your Company Advancing Too Slowly with Too Much Time Spent on Activities that are Unrelated and Unfocused?
If this sounds familiar, Achieving Total Alignment is the answer.
You will discover how to create unified action, and channel everyone’s energy in the same direction to achieve the potential for growth. This will eliminate conflicting goals and redundant activities, streamline processes, and enable individuals to become more focused on delivering your company’s value proposition.
Published by Ediciones Granica in August 2019, Logrando La Alineación Total presents a streamlined business model that serves to overcome longstanding challenges plaguing many companies. Included among these are: silos that block collaboration; company politics that cause people to work at odds with one another; conflicting goals that create waste and lethargy; too much information and excessive meetings that drain company resources; and rumors that erode confidence and trust.
A Business Novel
This book is written as an engaging story with lively and realistic characters throughout. The situations presented come from real life that are present in many organizations. Once you start reading, you wouldn’t want to put it down until the last page. You will move along at a rapid and effortless pace, almost unaware of the great amount of learning that is taking place and the exciting new concepts that are outlined and explained.
Logrando La Alineación Total gives you a systematic process to align your organization – the strategies, the priorities, the projects, the behaviors, the competencies, and the compensation – all tied together with a state-of-the-art software tool.

Logrando La Alineación Total offers you a framework that will enable you to answer these fundamental questions that every company must address:
- Who are we? – What are our core values?
- What’s our purpose? What do we do and why? – What is our mission?
- What does our future look like? – What is our vision of the future?
- How do we get to that future? – What is our strategy?
- How do we execute? – How can we implement our strategy?
- How do we stay the course? – How do we maintain alignment?
The solutions we present are more than theoretical concepts. They include unique processes, practical methodologies, and easy to use tools. All the processes link together seamlessly in an engaging story to create a totally aligned organization.

Riaz Khadem
Dr. Khadem is the founder and CEO of Infotrac, a US based consulting firm that specializes in aligning and transforming organizations. He has over twenty-five years of experience in strategy deployment, performance management, leadership, and cultural transformation. He is the creator of Total Alignment, a management model that aligns execution with strategy and transforms the way managers work. This model has been implemented in many diverse industries and in several countries. Dr. Khadem was educated at Illinois, Harvard and Oxford (Balliol College) and holds a doctorate in Applied Mathematics.

Linda J. Khadem
Linda Khadem is the vice president of Infotrac, where she serves as the Corporate Counsel. She is the co-author of Total Alignment as well as the latest edition of One Page Management published in 2014 by Editorial Norma in Colombia and the co-author of Alineación Total, published in Colombia and Alinhamento Total published in Brazil. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Sociology from the University of Illinois and a degree of Juris Doctor (J.D.) from Emory University.